News & Infos

News & Infos2023-07-03T16:44:59+02:00

New Drinking Water Regulation comes into effect at the end of April.

The final draft proposal for the second comprehensive amendment of the Drinking Water Regulation was published on February 15th (2nd amendment to the Drinking Water Regulation). Although it is rumored that the Federal Council had some proposed changes, we expect that the Drinking Water Regulation will pass the Federal Council on March 31, 2023, in substantial parts as stipulated in the Federal Council draft resolution.

After 10 years, a new short information is being released.

Good things take time. It took us a whopping ten years to finally release a new informational brochure. The short information brochure refreshes our corporate design a bit and highlights our key selling points in an illustrative manner, which have helped us gain a significant market share in recent years.

Professional services

  • Drinking water testing for Legionella according to Drinking Water Ordinance (core business)
  • Drinking water testing for microbiological and chemical parameters prior to commissioning of systems (e.g. acceptance sampling)
  • Testing of swimming pool and bathing water
  • Testing of raw water
  • Random samples (Z-samples) in drinking and utility water installations for chemical parameters, especially heavy metals
  • Graduated stagnation samples (S0, S1, S2 samples) for chemical parameters, especially heavy metals
  • On-site determination of electrical conductivity and pH value of water
  • Qualitative sensory testing of drinking water on site

Service offerings

  • Processing of client’s object lists and maintenance of inventory data in EDV systems
  • Object inspections to determine testing obligations and, if necessary, establishment of sampling points
  • Nationwide standardized sampling by quality management-integrated, hygiene and sensoric trained samplers with takeover of user/tenant communication
  • Schedule planning for test-obligated apartments between 12:00 pm and 8:00 pm; individual appointments with individual tenants/users
  • Correspondence with health authorities on behalf of the client
  • Monitoring of deadlines for all recurring testing obligations on behalf of the client”
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